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Watch for these diabetes symptoms
Watch for these diabetes symptoms With the continued rise in type 2 diabetes this article points out symptoms to watch for. The sooner you recognize diabetes symptoms the sooner you can begin to reverse the effects and minimize the long-term consequences. Today, we...
What the heck is glucose and why is it important to me?
What the heck is glucose and why is it important to me? One of the joys of getting to my age is I am on Medicare. I’m not sure if I can get out of Medicare, but that’s for another article. I find it interesting when I got into Medicare my doctor now sends me reminders...
Ways of living with diabetes
Ways of living with diabetes You haven’t been feeling well. You’re drinking a lot of water and you're always thirsty. Of course, with a lot of drinking water, you’re running to the bathroom more. The good news is you’re losing weight, you don’t know why, but you’re...
What is Diabetic Ketoacidosis
What is Diabetic Ketoacidosis A severe and potentially life-threatening condition called Diabetic Ketoacidosis or "DKA" is a consequence of diabetes. Unhealthy levels of acidic ketones can build up in the blood when a person has inadequate amounts of insulin in their...