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Welcome to Diabetes Awareness Month

Welcome to Diabetes Awareness Month

Welcome to Diabetes Awareness Month! In today's world, there is an awareness of something every day. Today and for the whole month, we want to give a warm Welcome to Diabetes Awareness Month. We'll touch on some of the key points of diabetes here, but we would also...

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Can AI provide diabetics supporting care?

Can AI provide diabetics supporting care?

Where is diabetic technology? OK, I'm a Star Trek fan. Even back in the original series computers have been talking to the crew. We didn't call it Artificial Intelligence (AI), but it was clear the computer was pretty advanced. And as new seasons came and went the...

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Type 2 diabetes and your sleep

Type 2 diabetes and your sleep

Last night was not a good night for sleep. I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. As someone creeping towards prediabetes I'm becoming much more aware of the issues surrounding type 2 diabetes. Sleep is one of those issues. What I learned while researching...

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